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NEW ORDER's BERNARD SUMNER has told Music 365 that he has collaborated with PRIMAL SCREAM on a forthcoming track for the Scottish band's new album, as well as working on a track with THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS
Sumner, talking in the bar after New Order's Manchester show on December 29, also confirmed that New Order would return with a new studio album before the end of 1999.
Of the collaborations he said: "I've just been with Bobby working on Primals track. It's hard to say what it's going to sound like when it's finished but at the moment it's pretty raw. I've got loads of respect for Bobby Gillespie. The Chemicals thing came after one of them called me and asked if I'd be interested. Of course I was, I love what they do."
No details of when either of the collaborations will be released have been announced yet.
He also spoke about 'Twisted Tenderness', the ELECTRONIC album with ex-Smiths guitarist JOHNNY MARR. Sumner says the record has a rockier sound than previous releases, with Marr's guitars taking a far more central role. The album itself was recorded with a regular band line up,which Sumner feels has had obvious results. It will be released in March.
Sumner said: "We've worked really over a short period of time hard on this album. Having a band has meant that we could work ideas far quicker than normal. It also means the end result is a lot more live sounding than before. We're both really happy with it."
He also said the recent spate of New Order shows will be followed by a box set of all of their albums in 1999 before a new album, their first since 1993's 'Republic'.
Last updated on 2005-03-07 9:08:00 PM - 9:08:00 PM
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