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Sounds 26/10/79 Live review by Des Moines Joy Division Leeds It is Ian Curtis who symbolises Joy Division, even though one can hardly believe that he tries to. Curtis may project like an ambidextrous barman puging his physical hang-ups, but the 'gothic dance music' he orchestrates is well-understood by those who recognise their New Wave frontiersmen and know how to dance the Joy Division! A theatrical sense of timing, controlled improvisation (allowing for apparently arbritary into-length), intelligent decibel-variation and good ol' fashioned distortion (unintended or otherwise) are the sum total of Joy Division's secret, as evinced on 'Disorder', 'Living In The Ice Age' and 'Shadowplay' - the latter liberating the LA Woman (not to mention the Heineken) in Curtis. The anguished singer had achieved total physical self- expression by the climax of 'She's Lost Control', and, evidently having lost control, he was helped offstage at the conclusion of a set which, for practical reasons, could not be extended. The Buzzcocks had to pretty hot to follow that, and a lot of people thought they were. DES MOINES
Last updated on 2005-03-07 10:19:00 PM - 10:19:00 PM
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